
As we age, our skin ages too!  A solution to counteract the effects of time on one’s complexion and enhance facial rejuvenation is receiving a lactic acid peel once a month in addition to using skin-specific professional grade home care products.

Lactic is one of the most popular peels we administer at iBellaLifestyle because it’s the most gentle out of all chemical peels; they say Cleopatra used to bathe in milk because of its high lactic acid content, incredible how they knew of its benefits thousands of years ago. 


Lactic acid which is derived from milk is part of the Alpha Hydroxy family of acids (AHA.)  This acid is so popular because it increases cell turnover, brightens, tightens, and smooths the skin.

This hydrating peel also stimulates collagen production, improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, softens crow’s feet, reduces hyperpigmentation, you get superior product penetration post peel, there’s minimal downtime involved, you notice immediate glowy results, and is gentle and appropriate even for sensitive skin.

This mild milk-derived acid also improves texture, tone, dull looking skin, an uneven complexion and regenerates new cells faster. We’re are also happy to recommend the appropriate home care products to soothe, calm, hydrate and reset your beautiful skin.
