Retail to address skin concerns

Whether you’re concerned with deep wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, laugh lines, crow’s feet, laxity, uneven texture, sun damage, marionette lines or dry skin; there are retail product solutions that help. In-office professional strength peels reset your...

Lactic Acid Peels

As we age, our skin ages too!  A solution to counteract the effects of time on one’s complexion and enhance facial rejuvenation is receiving a lactic acid peel once a month in addition to using skin-specific professional grade home care products. Lactic is one...

TCA…Refresher Peel

TCA peels treat different skin ailments, conditions and concerns; they are considered the gold standard in the industry because they’re safe, effective and suitable for all skin types. TCA’s are also a cost-effective Laser peel alternative. This peel is...

Jade Roller

Clients oftentimes ask about jade rolling and although it’s been trending as of late, this practice has been around for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine. If you’re using one at home, keep in mind that technique is very important. Make sure you use it over...

Vitamin & Supplement Regimen

Consistency with a vitamin and supplement regimen is as important as a skincare routine. Over the years clients have asked for pro-tips and product recommendations that provide solutions for different concerns. As a Holistic Nutritionist and Esthetician I partnered up...